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Bamboo Craft Classes
Here are the bamboo craft classes that our crafters teach on regular basis (in Japanese).
Click/tap the class/lecturer name to see the details of the class/lecturer.
In the Personal Education, we can offer foreign language interpretation through telephone.

講座名 Class Name | 講師 Lecturer | レベル Level | 場所 Place | 開始時刻 Start Time | 終了時刻 End Time | 曜日 Week | 実施週 Week(s) of the Month | 実施校 School |
通信教育講座A Remote Education Course A | 八木澤 正 T.Yagisawa | 初級 中級 上級 Elem/Mid/Adv | 八木澤竹芸セミナー Yagisawa Bamboo Craft Seminar | |||||
個別指導講座 Personal Education Course | 八木澤 正 T.Yagisawa | 初級 中級 上級 Elem/Mid/Adv | 栃木県大田原市 Ōtawara | 八木澤竹芸セミナー Yagisawa Bamboo Craft Seminar |
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